Serviplus Owner
XO Network
Nuestros Aliados
“I want to be part of the change so that women at risk and violence have a better quality of life”
Francella Muñoz
“I am convinced that the world requires the leadership of women at all levels and sectors to be able to respond and solve many problems we face as a society”
José Bolaños
Leaders Coach
“I have witnessed how education and self-employment dignify the lives of women who have not had these opportunities before”
Sara Lila
La Fábrica Coworking
“It inspires me to be able to help less fortunate women in my country. XtraOrdinary Women is an initiative that makes a difference.“
Cristyana Somarriba
Publicist & Media Producer
“XtraOrdinary Women is the opportunity many women need to be able to break away from cycles and violence and poverty“
Shantall Lacayo
Fashion Designer